Wednesday 22 April 2020


Addison = 


The Soldier

Target Audience = Our target audience is anyone who would enjoy a thriller based action film. The use of the soldiers can relate to some audience members that may have family who serve in the army or anyone who enjoys seeing soldiers in battle and how they operate. 

Genre Conventions
  • Blood
  • Guns
  • Explosions
  • Death
  • Soldiers
  • Terrorists
  • Knives
  1. Sully
  2. Ben
  3. Jack
  4. Nathan
  5. Terrorist 1
  6. Terrorist 2
  7. Target
Setting/time: Is in Russia in a large forest with some open plains, present day. 

plot: The plot for our short film contains a group of soldiers trying to hunt down a terrorist leader and make sure that their group stays alive while doing so. 

Props/ costumes:
  • Guns
  • Knives
  • Army Uniform
  • Fake Blood and wounds
  • Medical equipment 
Sound and music: Music will be very intense and will cut in and out of the film. Some sound effects will be used in order to tell the audience what is going on. 

Camera Shots/Editing: We are gonna use a lot of close ups in this film so that we can hide a lot of things and almost trick the audience into think we are on a very large set. For some of our scenes we are gonna use darker lighting to give a suspenseful tone. We will be putting in some vfx to set the scene and also tell the audience what is going on, other than advanced cgi the only editing we will be using is basic cuts on premiere pro.

Plot Synopsis: 

First shots of sequence:

  1. Run down room that the soldiers are staying in or a campfire at night time. 
  2. The next day marching in a line
  3. On top of a hill spotted the main target
  4. Shot of target and one soldier on the ground.
The action and pace of the film will start slow and the suddenly get very intense and then drop again and then build up to the final scene.

Camera will mainly be focused on the character of BEN as he is our main character and what he experiences in battle.

We will include one explosion and we will have to make sure that on set it looks as best as we can make it before post production. 

Character Names:
  • Sully - captain very serious, is the leader of the group and we see that through how he delivers his lines. 
  • Ben - is the medic of the group and we see that through his costume and what he is carrying. He is our main character.
  • Jack - is the joker of the group and we see him not really taking anything seriously, he provides comedic relief in serious situations. 
  • Nathan - is the kind one and no one knows why he became and soldier because it is like he will never hurt a fly, he is the oddball in the group but very nice and relate-able to the group.
Practicalities of filming:
  • Our film is very realistic if we can organize our costumes. The location is set and we have changed the setting to match our location.
  • The only health and safety issues is the explosion and our characters falling to the ground, there will be no explosion itself as it will be added in post. However we will need to make sure our actors aren't hurt when falling to the ground.
  • We do not need location permits as one of our crew members is allowing us to use their property.
  • Timing will need to be a Saturday and a night after school.
  • Weather will need to be clear so we will need to make sure we plan to shoot on a day that has good weather. 
  • Equipment will be all school gear besides the camera as I am going to film on my own camera.  


Made by DSLProductions


Our film will be from 0-2 minutes in length and will be film on the North Shore and in the country side of New Zealand. We have chosen these locations because we need an inside shot and many outside shots to tell this story. Another reason being that when we are shooting outside we will have lots of space to work with. 

Our film will include these conventions:
  • Guns
  • Knives
  • Blood
  • Army Costumes
  • Explosions using vfx
  • Documents
  • Rough Terrain 
  • Chase scene
  • Low lighting
  • Wounds
Two examples that fit well with our idea of this film is the two films "American Sniper" and "Brothers."

Character Names:

  1. Ben 
  2. Sully
  3. Nathan
  4. Jack
Ideology: Our film is showing the audience what life is like for the soldiers that fight overseas for our safety.

Mood and Tone: Mood is high intensity and is very realistic. We want the audience to feel like they are in the film with our characters. We also want the relationship between our characters to be strong so that if one dies then the audience feels upset about this. 

Camera Shots: We are gonna use a lot of close ups in this film so that we can hide a lot of things and almost trick the audience into think we are on a very large set. For some of our scenes we are gonna use darker lighting to give a suspenseful tone.

Themes: Will be everything to do with the military and we will also play on the stereotype of terrorist and what they do to Americans.

Mise en scene: Will be large fields for the majority of the film with some shots being indoors at the start and possibly the end. 

  • Photos
  • Guns
  • Blood
  • Document
Sound and music: Music will be very intense and will cut in and out of the film. Some sound effects will be used in order to tell the audience what is going on. 

Credits and logos: We will be making a logo and credits can role at the end for everyone who was involved however credits at the start will be for key actors. 

Editing: We will be putting in some vfx to set the scene and also tell the audience what is going on, other than advanced cgi the only editing we will be using is basic cuts on premiere pro.

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short film part 3 (Christopher)